Get Involved

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Expansions, restructuring, and repairs are ongoing efforts from Retired Colonel John Moran and his Veteran crew.  From chicken coop and goat house expansions to fence revisions to allow better opportunities for our visitors, our volunteers are such an important asset to Poplar Grove.

No doubt, the rewards that accompany such hard work is mostly expressed by the farm animals, who daily show their appreciation. If you are still interested in this “hand’s-on” opportunity and willing to form long-lasting and nurturing relationships with this group of farm animals, click here Volunteer Form to review and fill out an application. Please note, that if you are committed to volunteering in the Stables and have been vetted and approved, the stables manager will require you to fill out the Volunteer Addendum for the Stables.

Contact Betha Knight, the Stables Manager, by emailing, or request an appointment with Betha to drop off the forms.

Unfortunately, we cannot accept volunteers under the age of 18. Review the Volunteer Addendum for the Stables to understand why.

For our younger guests and their parents interested in viewing the animals regularly, consider visiting during the Farmers’ Market when the grounds are open to the public, or purchase a membership!

To donate, click here: